🎤 Talks
A partial list of talks and presentations I've given over the years, in chronological order.
🤖 The special case of Mobile DevOps
GitHub GitTogether Bangalore, 2024. Slides
📱 Reldex: scoring the efficiency of app release cycles
Droidcon San Francisco 2024. Slides
✅ Getting Things Done: a primer to Todoist
2022, given online. Video
🗓 Simplifying software estimation
GDG MAD 2020, given online. Slides.
🤑 money, money, money (or the how and why of personal finance)
Obvious.in HQ, 2020. Video.
🎭 Stop the security theater!
Google DevFest 2017, Bangalore. Slides.
📱 Effective and efficient mobile engineering
Fragments 2017, Bangalore. Slides. Video.
🔀 The dynamic home page of the Myntra app
Lightning talk, Droidcon London 2015.
🔮 Designing future-proof Android apps
Intel Android Codefest 2013, Bangalore. Slides. Video.
🤖 Android: an introduction for developers
Shaastra 2011, IIT Madras. Slides.
🌏 Semantic content repositories: leveraging Drupal for a connected meaningful web
FOSS.IN 2010, Bangalore. Slides.